Team: Zühal Yiğit

Zühal Yiğit

Zühal Yiğit

Zühal Yiğit, who takes great pleasure in working with the dynamic team at 7th Science, manages the projects of the Assessment Centre. Revealing the existing potential of staff in the skills pool and supporting development plans is directly related to her own life purpose. In the recruitment process, by illuminating the areas that interviews leave dark through the medium of simulations, she supports individuals’ dreams of “finding the most suitable career” and organisations’ dreams of “recognising talent”.

A graduate of Kabataş Boys’ High School, Zühal Yiğit graduated in Computer Programming and Business Administration, and obtained her master’s degree in Human Resources Management. After university, she lived for a time in England, completing her foreign language education at Cambridge Anglia Polytechnic University before returning to Turkey. She began working life in the technical area in an IT department, and pursued her career in Human Resources Management in firms in different sectors. She is a coach with the title of ACC and participates in training processes of coach candidates with Career Coach Training.

She is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and served as a member of the Board of the ICF’s Turkey Unit during the period 2018-2020. She takes part in careers seminars at universities and organises workshops. She publishes articles on a personal website and in some journals. Zühal Yiğit is married with two children.

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